Thursday 22 April 2010

Tatoos and Body modification

This lecture for me wasn't good becuse i find body modification really creepy some people really do disgustine things however tatoots is popular you see celebrities have tatoots for example David Beckham the reason people get them done is to look good sometimes people go over the top. Tattoos are a very old form of body art and have been practiced from a very long time in civilized human history. The history of tattoos is very ancient and seems to be of thousands of years old and even before the birth of Christ. The recorded indication of tattoos comes from the ancient Egypt where wall paintings as old as 2000 BC have been suggesting the use of tattoos in the ancient Egyptian society.

i don't really get why people go through tatooting it just disgustine i know a person who tatoo his life partner name and today they are not togthere so there no point, the picture i have shown it just looks very disgusting it also looks horrible.
Body modificaton is also done too look different that can contain surgery or desgining your body also anorexica is seen as body modification because it is changing the way you look. in islam it is not allowed because the body is desgined by God. its become more common and acceptable in soceity.

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